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Seafood Recipes


Lunch Recipes


26 June 2023
Seafood Recipes


Lunch Recipes


Simply Fresh Whitebait Fritters

Ingredients: - 
250g fresh whitebait, drained and gently washed
½ cup self-rising flour
2 eggs, beaten lightly
1 Tbsp water
1 spring onion, slice thinly
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 Tbsp butter  
To Serve:- 
A handful of parsley chives, lettuce, grated carrot, lettuce, red onion & tomato, or your choice of favorite salad,
1 lemon, cut in half to squeeze over fritters - 
Drain your whitebait in a colander. Set aside.
In another bowl, sieve flour. Make a well and add the beaten eggs with a dash of water, then mix into a smooth, thick batter.
Now gently fold in the whitebait, sliced spring onions and lemon juice. Season the mixture with salt and pepper.
Melt butter in a good, heavy pan and place a large spoonful of the fritter mixture in the pan. Shape into round fritters and cook until the egg is set or until golden on one side (use egg-flip to peek under). You do not need to wait for the fish to go white. Then gently flip over as you would an omelete and cook the other side for 20 secs.
Serve with your favorite salad.




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