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Ingredients: -
6 egg whites
add 1tsp boiling water
pinch salt
1 teacup sugar
1 dsp cornflour
Pinch cream tartar
(another) tsp boiling water
(another) 1 teacup sugar
1tsp vinegar
1tsp vanilla
Beat egg whites until they peak, then add other ingredients in order, allow a short time between adding each ingredient. Mix well. Place baking paper on cold tray, I make a ring from baking paper (fold into thirds - fix ends). Spoon mixture into ring.
Pre heat oven to 177°C cook for 10 mins, then reduce temperature to 35°C for 50 mins, turn oven off and leave pavlova in oven over night.
Decorate with whipped cream and fruit.
I find the best results are from using oven pre-heated from cold and not having cooked in it beforehand - Enjoy.