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Dessert Recipes


Side Dishes Recipes


11 June 2024
Dessert Recipes


Side Dishes Recipes


Baked Apples & Sauce Pudding (Aporo tunu me te Pudding ranu)

The Aporo is used along with many other fruits by Maori to create desserts and sauces.

Ingredients: -
2 large apples, (peel, core & quarter),
1 cup flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
Pinch of salt,
57g butter, 
1/3 cup milk,
Sift dry ingredients, rub in butter, and add sufficient milk to make a stiff dough.
Divide pastry int 8 pieces and roil out thinly. Wrap each apple quarter with pastry, sealing apple in.
Stand in oven-proof dish and cover with sauce.
Sauce Ingredients: - 
57g butter,
½ cup sugar,
1 cup boiling water,
Stir well, together and pour over pastry pieces.
Bake at 175°C for 30-40 mins or until browned.
Enjoy with your favourite ice cream.



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