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Baking Recipes


31 May 2022
Baking Recipes


Hiking Bar

Ingredients: -
100 g golden syrup,
100 g raw sugar,
125 g butter, diced,
250g rolled porridge oats,
75 g mixed seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, golden linseed and sesame),
50 g raisins or sultanas,
¼ tsp ground ginger,
pinch of salt -
Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan and line the base and sides of the baking tin with baking paper.
To make it easy to measure golden syrup from a tin, first heat a tablespoon in a mug of boiling water for a minute before using, scoop golden syrup onto warmed spoon then tip into pot. Add the raw sugar and butter. Set the pot over a low heat to melt the butter and dissolve the sugar. Stir until smooth and remove from the heat.
Mix the porridge oats, mixed seeds, raisins or sultanas, ginger and salt in a mixing bowl. Add the melted butter mixture and stir well to thoroughly combine. Spoon into the prepared tin and press level with the back of a spoon.
Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 20–25 minutes, until starting to firm, remembering to use the shorter cooking time for more chewy bars and the longer time if you prefer them crisper. The bars will firm up and crisp as they cool.
Remove from the oven and cut into squares. Cool in the tin on a wire rack.


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