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3 March 2021
Market Commentary

Livestock Market Update: What's the Beef - benefit from genetics

Nationwide roadshow aiming to add value for commercial beef farmers

Maximising profit from beef is the aim for a nationwide roadshow running throughout New Zealand in March.

‘What's the Beef’ focusses on helping commercial beef farmers add value to their businesses by making the most of genetics.

A range of key speakers, including geneticists, chefs and processors, are presenting at the multi-dimensional workshops between Whangarei and Gore, which intend to educate producers about the added value and increased profitability that breeding quality beef can deliver to their businesses.

Topics include:

  • How you use genetics to grow profit;
  • Nutrition for meat quality and farm management;
  • What processors are looking for to serve the overseas market and how farmers can accommodate that; and
  • Why the restaurant trade is looking for quality and consistency from red meat and how this works for them.

'What's the Beef' events are free to attend, though registration via the roadshow’s website is requested.

Callum Stewart, PGG Wrightson Livestock National Genetics Manager

 Livestock Market Update Whats the Beef New Dates


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