Lease bulls for Autumn mating. 5 Angus. 2 Ayrshire. 28 Charolais. 12 Recorded Friesian. 24 Hereford. 8 R1 Jersey 38 Jersey for cows. 'Ring me on 027 592 7542 for price'.

Stock data



    Stock data

  • Breed Other
  • Breed History Mix of home bred and brought in
  • Approx final tally (after sales & culls) 100
  • Tally - 2 yr 2


  • Bull DNA tested Yes
  • Bull BVD tested Yes


  • TB status C10
  • Animals within treatment withholding period No
  • Current lepto vaccination Yes
  • Vaccinated for BVD Yes
  • Bull BVD vaccinated Yes
  • Johne's disease vacc. Not selected
  • Bull tests for BVD Negative
  • Bull tested for EBL Not selected

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